Saturday, March 21, 2009

Signing Choir Nightmare!

Okay, at my school we have this thing we can do called “Signing Choir”. I’m not sure that anybody even knows what Signing Choir really is, so I should explain. Signing Choir is a group of people who are performing signed language to music. Guess who was stupid enough to sign up?

Anyhow, our group is conducted by Mrs G, my evil teacher from last year. Mrs G is a perfectionist, in the extreme. As in, she's referred to COLLAGES as messy, and taken points off for it to. She not quite all there in the head either, but back to the story. Mrs G signed us up for our second performance of the year, the relaunch of the regions rescue helicopter service. Clearly, she forgot to check the stage type. You see, we were performing on grass, and not just any type of grass either, sandy grass, filled with holes and everything. For those who don’t know, I’m not exactly all the co-ordinated, aka, I’m clumsy, really clumsy, like, trip over your own feet clumsy. I’m normally pretty good with my hands but feet, that’s a different matter altogether. So imagine, a really really clumsy person signing and dancing on a grassy, sandy, holey stage. You see my problem.

So anyway, I turned up 20 minutes early, stood around, practiced signing with minimal injuries, tripped over, stood up laughing and grassy, got laughed over for a few moments, brushed off the grass and began to drive KJ absolutely insane.  This was done by clapping in her face, loudly and unexpectedly. She squeaked, I laughed, she hit me. Fun! Anyway, we were practicing our songs (Advance Australia Fair and Joyful Joyful) behind the stage when Mrs G broke the news. We had to perform on the stage from hell, because the one behind it contained snakes, just for the record, I was in the back row and was most likely to fall backwards. So, by now, I was getting rather scared. Can anyone blame me?

So by now, we all knew that this was going to fail, miserably. Our first confirmation, when the announcer announced us as a singing choir. Then, we began the worlds worst song, Advance Australia fair. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m a true blue Aussie and all that jazz but come on, nobody likes that song, at all. it’s not even modern English…. So here we are, stepping in time, and my ankle gets stuck in a hole. Not just any hole either, a big, deep sandy hole. So here I am, struggling with all my might to get my foot out of this hole without anyone noticing, by the time it’s out, the stepping is over, my foot is throbbing, and it’s my turn to sign. So I sign, not messing up at all and it’s half over. Time for Joyful Joyful, oh Alajuela. More dancing, Joy!

So, the second song begins, it all starts out well enough, no feet movements to worry about, then the real nightmare begins. You see, we do this funny dancing thing which is really weird and makes you feel stupid to do. It’s also very very easy to mess up, and I’m quite good at messing things up, so it really shouldn’t surprise you that I, yet again, got my foot caught, nearly tripped, yet still managed to make it look as if nothing happened (I think…). So, the song continued for a while in much the same way as the first had, then came the bit I hated the most, we have to run from one end of the stage to another in about five seconds. You can probably see my problem by now, as I ran (aka sprinted) across the stage I managed to bend my foot backwards so the my toes touched the back of my foot. It hurt. A lot. But I grinned through the pain, no way was I letting the she-devil conducting the choir win. The rest of the song continued with minor injuries, we went “off-stage” which was really just heading to the right, watched last years song, rejoiced in the fact that we have no practices left this week and then headed off home. Happy it was all over.

I’ve never been so glad to be free in my life, and you may or may not be pleased that my foot is good again, or it was until I just ran over it with my chair. If you’ll excuse me, I’m off to get ice.


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